Carte des déplacements d'enfants autistes, Oeuvres, de Fernand Deligny

Mur, rue des Fantasques, Lyon, quartier Saint Paul, photo JPCG

Performance "la Caravane Babouillec" Centre Beauvoir, Evry, juin 2022, photo JPCG

Répétitions des Villes Imaginaires, Les Créatifs Chroniques, 2022, photo JPCG

Poser ses valises, 2022, photo JPCG

Sources, ressources, regarder,  2022, photo JPCG

Montage, Sculpture pour la Paix et la Justice, X. de la Fraissinette, Lyon 1996, et Mines Calcaires d'Argentine, 2022, photos JPCG


17 years of existence.




To build the articulation of culture and art with our world.




To try to make human Cultural Rights effective, as close as possible to our practices.




Has stubbornly opened creative spaces with people. To implement, to take action. Whatever their stories, their cultures. Theatres, sounds, dances, photographs, videos... Look for methodologies. Cross, always cross. Neighborhoods, Hospitals, Prisons, Workers' Homes. People passing through, people of desire, artists or not artists.




To think that we must constantly question our work and life ethics, to believe in the power of imagination.




To, ultimately, hope for a worthy political horizon…



« We need places to bring out and meet the imaginary landscapes of everyone, we need artists to set them in motion, we need craftsmen's energies to implement them. And above all we have to go back to the people, the inhabitants, the people, where they try to organize their lives. In their separate solitudes, in their attempts to be together despite everything. No other place for these places than in the "middle of the world» (John Wellington, On shared creation process, 2010)


Le Vent se Lève...! is a place of 300 m2, which can accommodate about sixty people seated, with a platform of 10m by 7m, approximately. A friendly space allows you to meet up to continue the conversations. The space is flexible and can be made available.

Le Vent se Lève...! 

hosts a training center and an insertion organization , "la Lucarne d'Ariane"



Un Studio dans Paris.


A space to record, experiment, create, sample, assemble, sculpt, mix, finalize any sound form and share all the crafts and skills related to sound work.


For all information about the studio please contact us here :



Web Site :






YouTube :

Chaîne YouTube


Facebook :


Le Vent se Lève...!  is above all a factory of art and culture, a place of creation. Some performances take place there, but always favoring the lines of the Factory: shared creations, themes questioning our humanities and their fundamental rights, open stages, collective events, seminars of reflection,…

Le Vent se Lève...!  is a space that tries to let itself be inhabited by, and work with, those who have never been invited to the celebration of art and culture. How to name them?

Le Vent se Lève...! willingly crosses many disciplines, from the performing arts to the arts of image and sound.

La Fabrique is led by an artistic team, project managers, administrators, accomplices, partners, cooperators...

Paris Prison "La Santé"

In partnership with cultural  structures of the City of Paris, we lead a theatrical creation workshop for about fifteen prisoners, throughout the year. This experience is also that of accompanying artists to encounter the prison space and produce creations there.

In partnership with the DRAC, the CNL, the PJJ and the FIPDR, we animate the Library of the Minor district of the Maison d'Arrêt de Villepinte (93). Approaching books, discovering writing, meeting authors and actor-readers, these are the activities offered every week to young prisoners.

National Education at the Maison d'Arrêt de Fleury Mérogis allows us to deploy our work on Richard III, in conjunction with the creation workshop at Health. We are trying this experiment with two penitentiary establishments, working in echo of the two projects. Always hoping to reveal an "outside" to the prison, another place, resonances.

For three years, we have been carrying out a vast experimental project in the District of Essonne, and with its support, in tribute to Babouillec, an autistic author. We seek with other artistic teams the "Babouillecs" hidden within a dozen medico-social establishments. Art and culture, as construction of our common humanities. Theatre, dance, photography, puppets, video...with an assertive cooperative methodology, and a willingness to involve staff in our adventures.. 

Our explorations of Migrant Worker Homes continue. Places of desolation and isolation, how to make gestures and words rise there? At the Foyer Ponceaux d'Aubervilliers, we opened a Café Culture, started endless conversations with the residents, and designed with them a visual and sound installation around the fundamental right of everyone to be an actor in a collective heritage.


La Cie IPQR (l'Impossible Plutôt Que Rien) est résidente permanente.


L’Impossible-Plutôt-Que-Rien a été fondé en 2007, par Jean-Pierre Chrétien-Goni, metteur et scène et auteur,  et co-dirigé avec Hélène Labadie. Il a été la cheville ouvrière principale de la création du Vent Se Lève ! et demeure aujourd’hui l’une des équipes résidentes permanentes du lieu.



Nous accompagnons cette année d'autres artistes: le Collectif 22, une artiste plasticienne, Clara Wolff, une photographe, Christine Delory-Momberger, et le metteur en scène Çemil Yildiz

Les Créatifs Chroniques

Le Vent se Lève...! is a founding member of the Scientific Interest Group "The Subject in the City", Sorbonne Paris-Nord Campus Condorcet

Cliquez sur les images pour lire le document ou le télécharger... 

La suite dans quelques jours...

La lucarne d'Ariane is an integration project that offers a support course of 6 months to 2 years to people leaving prison and encountering particular difficulties of social and professional integration, through the professions of culture and performing arts. The objective of this support through culture is to allow them to find a stable and peaceful personal life, and to see in their professional life the opportunity for real professional fulfillment.

Les 23 et 24 septembre 2023 à 20h


Cette Cie-là présente BRUTES

conçu, écrit et mis en scène par Antony Quenet

Spectacle soutenu par l Région Ile de France, la DRAC, la Fondation Beaumarchais, la Spedidam et l'Adami

Voir le dossier

Voir la présentation